Climate Care Expert Advice
How Mold Affects Your Health in CT
Mold And Your Health in CT If you’re like most of our customers, you take pride in a clean home. Many of you even try to do what you can for indoor air quality, whether it’s by regular dusting, using portable air filtration systems, changing your HVAC filters...
Dandy Without Dander: Let Your Pets Join Our Home Care Club!
Fur is great, when it’s on your pet. But even those clumps of fur can be easily spotted and lint rolled off our clothes, sucked into a HEPA-filtered vacuum, or microfibre cloth-lifted from the surfaces to which they cling. Pet dander, however? A far more insidious...
Help! An Animal Died in My Connecticut HVAC Ducts!
Who doesn’t like walking through their front door at the end of a long day, only to be greeted by the smell of fresh-baked bread, or to crack open a favorite old novel and to be transported as much by its scent as the words within? On the other hand, when your first...
The Birth of Cool in the USA: American History and HVAC
The East Coast is a great place to call home, but muggy, humid Summers don’t usually make the list of reasons why. Necessity is the mother of invention, however, as the saying goes, and it was our hot, steamy conditions that helped Willis Haviland Carrier change the...
Saving Energy This Summer in Connecticut
If you’re the kind of person who likes to plan, you might want to know that this summer is forecast to be a bit warmer and wetter than usual. Nobody wants to sweat through the summer, but we also don’t want our air conditioning eating us out of house and home. So...
Help Cool Moms Stay That Way!
Let Climate Care show you care all Mother’s Day month. May is Mother’s Day month (yes, the whole month…dads don’t worry, you’re up next), and, as far as gifts go, we at Climate Care feel like AC Tune-Ups and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Solutions are the new breakfast in...